Microadventure: Summer Solstice Challenge

Microadventure: Summer Solstice Challenge

We’ve teamed up with friend of the brand and Mr Microadventure Al Humpherys for the fourth annual Summer Solstice Microadventure Challenge!

“Get involved and win great prizes from Mountain Equipment, howies and Osprey Packs.

On the weekend of June 20/21, the longest day of the year, we want as many people as possible to try a microadventure.

– If you have never wild camped before, this is your chance.
– If you have never solo camped before, this is your chance.
– If you have never slept on a hill with your friends, your family, your work colleagues, this is your chance.



Head out and have an overnight microadventure. You can do it by yourself, with someone you love or with your friends. Or you can make some new friends through your local Microadventure Group and make a plan with them. It can be as long or as short as you like, just so long as you are out overnight and you use a bivvy bag not a tent. Sleep on a hill, swim in a river, have fun!

Tell the story of your microadventure. You might want to make a film, write a blog post, publish a photo essay, paint a picture, or just snap some cool photos on your phone. Do whatever you want to do. The main thing, of course, is to get out and enjoy the microadventure. Share your trip online, here on the Microadventures Facebook page or with the‪#‎microadventures‬ hashtag on Instagram and Twitter.

I’ll keep an eye on it all and pick the winners. (The main winning, of course, is just the experience of getting out into nature and enjoying your microadventure.) There are two ways of increasing your chances of winning a prize: doing a really cool microadventure, and documenting it in a really cool way.

You may, of course, not care about sharing your story. That’s OK too.


If you need help working out where to go, what to pack, or what happens if it rains, click here.

If you’re struggling to come up with an exciting idea, have a nosey around here.

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If you’re doing the Year of Microadventure Challenge you should head back to the place you went for your equinox adventure back in March (unless you’d rather go somewhere else!). Otherwise, find somewhere wild and beautiful close to where you live. Try to choose somewhere that’s tricky to get to so that there is a degree of challenge involved (but not so tricky that you don’t actually bother beginning). Climb a hill. Pedal, paddle or swim somewhere. Head to the coast or the woods. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Go somewhere you haven’t been for years. Go somewhere you see every day but have never spent the night. Go where you like, just go!


Ideally you’ll do this on the solstice weekend of June 20/21 (it’s also Father’s Day, by the way). It’s the longest, lightest weekend of the year, and it would be great to have a concentrated mass of people getting out and doing cool stuff that weekend.

However, I know people are busy, and there’s always a chance of terrible weather that weekend, so you can actually do your microadventure any time between now and the end of June to be in with a chance of winning a prize.


Having a focussed timeframe to do this microadventure makes it much more likely that you will actually commit to doing it. Seeing other people making their plans on social media helps encourage action too. And having a microadventure is a brilliant, fun thing to do.

And, if these are not motivation enough, you can win some great prizes too. (The companies who have kindly donated these prizes would love to see some pics on social media of you using their stuff, but that’s up to you really.)

Prizes include:
Sleeping bags from Mountain Equipment (£270)
Talon / Tempest rucksacks from Osprey (£85)
Helium / Shelium jackets from howies (£49)

For further information head to: http://www.alastairhumphreys.com/

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