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    HeiQ Fresh uses an odour neutralising compound derived from sugar which binds to molecules which smell. This is one of the most effective ways to prevent odour buildup in garments,...
    HeiQ Fresh uses an odour neutralising compound derived from sugar which binds to molecules which smell. This is one of the most effective ways to prevent odour buildup in garments, and unlike silver-based treatments it 'attacks' the actual molecules which smell, rather than the bacteria which cause the buildup of those molecules. As such it has no environmental concerns and , produced as a by-product of the food industry, is one of the least harmful approaches to odour control that there is.

    HeiQ Fresh is ideal for use in products worn for days in a row without washing or in high output activities. By reducing the need for washing this can greatly reduce environmental impact, and is of course ideal for expeditions where washing garments is not easy. It has been proven to last for approximately 50 washes.
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