
Making the Most of It

Alpinism is defined by those who value life so strongly that they seek the most from it.

In an ideal world every moment would be spent outdoors; at the crag, pushing your limits or exploring new places.

In reality, whether due to poor weather conditions, periods of injury, or the countless demands of the desk job and normal life, even the most committed outdoor enthusiast can find themself cut off from the mountains.

Time not spent in the hills doesn't have to be time wasted. Our Pro Team share their tips and advice on training that makes the most of the time and resources you have to best prepare for getting back out there.

Photo: Dave MacLeod finding the time to work on his finger strength aboard Bob Shepton's boat, The Dodo's Delight, en route to the remote island archipelago of St Kilda.

Making Time

Sam has been Head of Design at Mountain Equipment since 2009. His lifelong passion for climbing played a large part in his decision to steer his way from an international position back to the UK. Crucially, living and working on the Eastern edge of Manchester puts the iconic gritstone climbing and bouldering of the Peak District within range.

Simply getting out on the rock is not necessarily as simple as it sounds though, with a demanding day job and family life compressing personal climbing time into narrow windows of opportunity. But there is always a way. Some days begin with a pre-dawn start to fit in a session on a project, others finish with late night training on his board.

Between the Seasons

In between the bustle of the high summer and alpine winter months, Natalie Berry finds ways to embrace the changing of the seasons in a deserted Chamonix.

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